Friday, October 28, 2016

Putin's Long Descent (Post 2)

Photo Credit: Euromaidan Press

Having written my last post on "Putin's Long Descent", Foreign Policy has an excellent article this week by Mark Galeotti, visiting fellow with the European Council on Foreign Relations, that makes the same point that Putin's tactical successes are not translating into strategic gains, including that,

"The Russian president’s tactical instincts for how to seize an opportunity are so brilliant, and yet the strategic outcomes are almost invariably disastrous."


"The Kremlin’s problem, among others, is that Putin the Opportunist is consumed by the moment. He is focused on what he can accomplish tomorrow, without necessarily thinking through to what the consequences may be the day after. He also too easily assumes that he will remain in control of what he started..."

The Foreign Policy article rightly points out that, in my words, Putin's successes are not victories and they cost more than they are worth.  There is a pattern here.  Putin’s tactical successes to date do not translate into strategic gains due to his penchant for miscalculation.  (Putin's Long Descent)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Putin’s Long Descent

Photo Credit:  Euromaidan Press

As airstrikes resume in Aleppo after a brief pause, Putin seems to be on the verge of another tactical success and to hold the fate of Aleppo in his hands.  Yet Putin would have preferred that Syrian forces had already taken Aleppo.  Syrian forces, Iranian Guards and Hezbollah fighters have failed to sew up a clear win over tenacious rebel forces.  In addition, even if Aleppo now falls, Russia will pay a high price for success because it will require carpet-bombing reminiscent of Putin’s conquest of Grozny during the second Chechen war.  The West is already united in condemning Russia’s barbarism in Syria and further brutality will have unpredictable consequences for Russia (even if the EU failed at its meeting on October 20 to threaten sanctions).

In fact, Putin finds himself where he has been before.

His successes are not victories and they cost more than they are worth.  There is a pattern here. Putin’s tactical successes to date do not translate into strategic gains due to his penchant for miscalculation.  Consider each of Putin’s supposed successes.

Putin hoped to gather a new pan-Russian world under an Eurasian Economic Union, for which Ukraine was key.  He attempted to maneuver former Ukrainian President Yanukovych into keeping Ukraine under Russian suzerainty, including through bribes, threats and subversion of state institutions, especially the military and security services.  Not only did Putin misjudge the resistance and strength of civil society in Ukraine, his actions strengthened resistance to Russian dominance across all the former Soviet Republics. 

Putin attempted to base Russian economic power on rents from resource extraction and a corrupt keptocracy, but he misunderstood what drives a dynamic economy.  GDP growth slowed due to lack of investment and poor governance.  Russia then plunged into economic crisis when commodity prices collapsed in 2014 and sanctions were imposed on Russia for the seizure of Crimea and invasion of eastern Ukraine.  GDP feel 3.7% in 2015 and is expected to fall 1% in 2016.  Russia is currently running a budget deficit that may reach or exceed 4% this year, putting an enormous strain on social spending, including all-important public sector salaries and pensions upon which a large share of the population depends and upon which his support is based.  Even the modernization program for the military, with which Putin hopes to project Russian power, is subject to budget cuts.  GDP growth is projected to be nearly stagnant into the foreseeable future, without deep economic and governance reforms, and the Russian Economic Ministry projects no change in Russians’ living standard before 2035.

Reputedly, when deciding to seize Crimea, Putin asked his advisors if Russia could weather a year of adverse international reaction.  Putin mistakenly believed that the West was so dependent on Russian energy and so weakened by economic and political disarray--encouraged in part by Russia--that it could not sustain diplomatic opposition to Russia’s land grab for longer.  Putin appears not to have anticipated the scale of sanctions that were imposed by the US and the EU.  Nearly three years later, international isolation and the prospect of continuing sanctions looks only stronger due to lack of progress on a settlement in eastern Ukraine and events in Syria.  Meanwhile, Russia continues to bleed resources to sustain Crimea and Russian-backed eastern Ukraine, as well as conduct military operations in Syria.

Buoyed by the first flush of success when seizing Crimea, Putin attempted to take control of the east and south of Ukraine through Odesa to the Moldovan border, calling it “Novorossiya.”  The people did not rally to Russia as expected, and Russian provocateurs and local agents who attempted to seize control of the region were overwhelmed.  Russia had to send in “unmarked” regular troops and armor to stop the Ukrainian military advance in eastern Ukraine.  The price in dead Russians and diplomatic fallout became too high and Putin was beaten to a standstill.  During the course of the conflict, Russia and/or its proxies committed an act of international terrorism by shooting down a civilian aircraft, MH17, killing nearly 300 persons.  A Dutch-led investigation released in September 2016 confirmed Russian involvement and the identification, and possible prosecution, of guilty Russian military and political leaders is expected in the future. 

Putin pivoted to Syria, looking for new leverage over the West.  In Syria, Putin believed he had seized the initiative from a feeble EU and American response to the crisis, while avoiding an Afghanistan-like quagmire by relying solely on airpower to support the Syrian army, Iranian Guards and Hezbollah fighters.  And, indeed, the West looked flatfooted and outmaneuvered.  But the Syrian army proved unable to make the gains that Russia expected.  Russian Special Forces and “irregulars”, as well as barbaric methods, had to be added to sustain gains.  Putin was compelled to add support for a campaign to take Aleppo.  As of this writing, the combined pro-government forces have yet to take the city.  In the meantime, the brutality of the campaign has alienated the EU, which condemned Russian supported bombing and threatened prosecutions for war crimes.  Rather than gaining leverage over the West, Russia finds itself even more isolated. 

Meanwhile, Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and others is disruptive but has given the US new resolve to confront unconventional Russian interference and aggression.  The US has promised a firm and unmistakable response.  Ecuador cut Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder who is believed to be working hand-in-hand with Russia, off from the Internet on suspicion of interfering in the US election, and the Russian news service, RT, accused of propaganda, had its bank accounts frozen in the UK.  If Russia had hoped to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, it failed miserably.  Russia’s capacity to be disruptive will now be confronted by firm US and European counter-measures.

Even if one steps back and looks at Putin’s probable strategic objective of a West too weak and in disarray to counter Russia’s interests, it is not clear Putin is making any headway.  Discord in Europe is the result of homegrown political mismanagement and of events elsewhere, such as Syria, that Putin can only hope to exploit but not control.  Even where Russia has had an outsized influence, such as using illicit money and offshore financial centers to corrupt Western elites, the window is closing after numerous revelations, including the Panama Papers and Spanish indictments of Russian mobsters and serving political figures.  Everyone is now alert to Russia’s corrosive influence.  That elites can be corrupted or that institutions can be undermined is not an insight that Putin alone has.  Europe and the US understand it also and can be effective in confronting it.  In short, what the Soviet Union could not do, Russia cannot do either.  Although Putin has managed to elevate Russia’s profile on the international stage, its standing is fragile because Russia’s role is seen as more disruptive than constructive.

Putin may deflect, feint, cut his loses, and pivot to a new provocation to distract from his failure to translate tactical successes into strategic gains, but the costs are mounting and his opportunities are narrowing.  Fundamentally, Putin cannot overturn global leadership on the foundation of political deceit and corruption, nor on militant nationalism.  Lack of political credibility and corruption through which Putin hopes to undermine the West are more deeply rooted in Russia.  And militant nationalism—especially if based on ethnicity--is a formula for catastrophe, whether in Nazi Germany, post-Yugoslavia Serbia or contemporary Russia.

Although it has been touched on by policy analysts at times, Putin’s personality is an underestimated weakness that contributes to his penchant for miscalculation.  Putin is not fully aware of how the most human of qualities, “empathy”, informs judgment and, therefore, he does not understand how it affects political decisions.  Much like Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock Holmes character in the hit series “Sherlock,” Putin is oblivious to societal norms because he is a “high-functioning sociopath.”   He recognizes societal norms based on empathy, such as aversion to doing harm and sympathy for those who suffer or are less fortunate, but he does not feel it, and because he doesn’t feel it he is suspicious and contemptuous of it.  He personally expresses little sympathy and evidences no effort to comfort those who suffer in Donbas or for the horror in Syria or the increasingly difficult circumstances of the Russian people, except at the abstract level of strategic policy when he condemns the actions of others that he perceives are directed against Russian power.  Putin perceives Western leaders' concern for the impact of their actions on people as weakness.

Putin is not only indifferent to causing harm, he is personally culpable.  Putin is strongly implicated in “terrorist” attacks that killed hundreds of Russian citizens in 1999 that propelled him into the Presidency on a law and order platform.   Military and security services under his command are also implicated in provocations in 1999 that launched the second Chechen war that killed tens of thousands.  Putin is believed to be responsible for the deaths of countless opponents, including investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya and whistleblower Alexander Litvinenko whom a British Public Inquiry concluded had been murdered on orders by Putin personally.  The imprisonment--and torture--in Russia of numerous Ukrainian citizens, including Ukrainian pilot, Nadiya Savchenko, could not occur without Putin’s concurrence.  There are no checks on Putin’s behavior and deaths of ordinary Russians, opponents, and citizens of other countries, do not bother him and so are not part of his calculus of risk.

With less room to maneuver and an increasingly fragile base on which to support his actions, Putin will attempt further aggression.  His current bluster in Syria, moving missiles closer to the EU, and invading Finnish airspace may be carefully calibrated to convey threat without risking direct confrontation, but Putin’s hubris and inability to empathize mean that he will overreach yet again, and at some point his luck will collide with his penchant for miscalculation, and he will experience a categorical tactical failure.  At that point, rather than be unmasked as fallible, Putin will attempt to reverse his failure, possibly up to and including through a tactical nuclear “event” (not necessarily, but possibly, involving an actual limited strike). With the smoke and mirrors removed, Putin will be revealed to be, like Stalin, a plague on Russia and the world.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Putin's Attempt to Delegitimize a Revolution (Paul Niland, KyivPost)

photo credit

Paul Niland is a blogger (Twitter @PaulNiland) and regular contributor to the KyivPost, a Ukrainian English-language newspaper.

He writes with exceptional clarity in an objective, fact-based manner on the Ukrainian reform process and Ukraine's continuing democratization.

His latest article responds to remarks by Russian President Putin that badly mischaracterize Ukraine's recent history and the status of the Minsk agreement.  The article is essential reading for those that are too easily misled by Russian misinformation and propaganda; particularly those in the Western press who frequently fail to challenge Putin's false narrative about events in Ukraine.

The article can be read here:

Putin's Attempt to Delegitimize a Revolution

Paul has also provided a definitive narrative on Ukraine's Maidan Revolution and subsequent events that should be required reading for informed reporting on Ukraine.

The Way Forward For Ukraine (Part 3)

Euromaidan Revolution Myth and Reality (Part 2)

What Has Changed In Ukraine Post-Yanukovych (Part 1)


The Will Of The People?